Pick a Colour
Out of These Options, Which Is Your Preferred Lightsaber Combat Form?
Which of These Resonates with You Most?
Pick a Force Power
Pick a Quote
Pick a Planet
Where do you most often find yourself?
Which Death Seems Most Appropriate?
Pick an Accessory
How Do You Use Your Force Abilities?
Which SITH LORD are You? - Star Wars QUIZ
Darth Vader
This will be a day long remembered. You got Darth Vader! Stay tuned for the next quiz.
Count Dooku
It may be difficult to secure your release.....You got Count Dooku! Stay tuned for the next quiz!
Darth Maul
In a galaxy at war, Savage, there is only one way to get the attention of the Jedi. You got Darth Maul! Stay tuned for the next quiz!
Darth Sidious
You got Sidious! Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy, and we shall have peace. Stay tuned for the next quiz!
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